Wednesday, January 30, 2008


For nearly 11 months now, I've been a part of a truly awesome community of people... the mothers, fathers and granparents of diabetics, and a few diabetics themselves, over at type1parents.

These people... are amongst the most wonderful, loving, caring people I have ever had the pleasure to "meet". The board is the most supportive, trouble free, loving community, and every single one of the members brings something different. We have our laughter, and tears... our venting and celebrating, our jokes and prayers... and above all, so many wonderful friendships.

I adore these people... every one of them.

Come check us out... whether you are a mom, dad, gran, pop, aunt, uncle, or t1D yourself... this place is beyond awesome.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Well, we're rather fond of you, too!

Woohoo for Diabetes blogs!

Katie B