Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silver Linings

Lately, I have experienced a huge hurt. Its a private hurt, shared only with my closest, most trusted friends, but I have also learned a lesson from it.

I trusted and shared a part of my soul with someone I should not have trusted or shared with. I gave unconditional love and friendship. I gave my all. And, it was thrown back at me with lies, twists, and thorns.

I thought, for a time, that it would beat me. That it would wear me down. Then I learned that I am strong.
I am worth more than what some person tells me I am worth.
In the eyes of God, I am beautiful.

Best of all, I learned that every cloud has a silver lining, and this silver lining is the cementing of a friendship, learning more about a person than I could have hoped to without this hurt.

So to the person that hurt, lied and spun a web of deceit... I thank you.


Nicole P said...


Lowell said...

Kit, it's not just in the eyes of God, you're beautiful in the eyes of the world. Please never forget that!

Bernard said...

Good for you.

Stay strong, and healthy.

kitter said...

Nic - thanks :)

Lowell - thanks Lowell. I try :)

bernard - I'm a woman. Its in my genetic makeup to be strong :D

Unknown said...

i loved this post. i have no wise words. just want you to know i'm out here, reading your blog, feeling your words, admiring your tenacity and loveliness.

kitter said...

Thank you Amylia.. just thank you.

See you at thinkonthings!!